Proverbs in modern interpreation

Not historical, but modern amusingly in connection with own experiences, the origin of many famouse proverbs is new interpreted.

The quarrel about the imperator's beard
France and Germany support the target of the EU commission to reduce the emission of Carbon Dioxide until 2012 to 120 g CO2/km at cars.

Ostrich policy
The oil price jumps in a few month from $70 to $100, the Energy Watch Group dates peak oil to 2006 and our irresponsible politicians put the head in the sand.

Same right for all: small scooters
News and statements on current topics concerning the energy transition, climate protection and the necessary development towards worldwide wealth.

US President Obama: car limits: to little to late
I drove 1993 to 1996 a Renault Espace Minivan from 1989. This minivan built 20 years ago fulfilled the consumption limits in the US from 2016.

Why simple when it can be done complicate? Why simple when it can be done complicate?
Below the cargo platform for 4 Euro pallets: 2 hydrogen pressure tnaks (only 1 in the photo) left a battery, right capacitors, behind the fuel cell.

Bread and games
Games without bread is something very reprehensible. What was in old Rome the bread is today mobility. Mobility has to be changed from crude oil to renewable energy.

Because they do not know what they do Because they do not know what they do
Should the automobile industry do more for the climate protection? The result, only 1/3 Yes shows the insufficient enlightenment of the car drivers about our future cars.

Who sits in the glass house should not throw stones
In plain lack of knowledge about the storage problem, the say ''Atomic power highway'' or ''Atomic power refinement system'' about infrastructrue to store electric power.

Simple to cogitate
What does it mean for the IEA to declare all earlier prognoses of the IEA as waste paper and to give all the criticans of this organisation right? How much courage is necessary for this step?

IEA: Forward, we have to go back
Dramatic change in the prognosis: WEO 2006 more and more oil production, Energy Watch Group 2007: decrease of oil production. Will the WEO 2008 be worse than EWG 2007?

Built on sand, no worse built on oil
We stand at the rubble of our civilization. A civilization built on crude oil, becoming unusable after peak oil.

Back to the roots
I had 1993 2000 fresh printed books and a publisher who just went bancrupt. 2 years later, 90% of the books had been sold by me and supporters of PEGE.

Roland Mösl - founder of PEGE Roland Mösl - founder of PEGE
Roland Mösl - the founder of Planetary Engineering Group Earth dedicates his life for new concepts and inventions to lead humanity to the age of solar energy.

Awards and orders
Overview over all orders and awards, Roland Mösl has received.

More humans have to be informed, that there is a better life after peak oil. PEGE as the light tower towards the solar age.

Regardless what we want, what future visions we have, we depend as a consumer on the products produced by the industry. Consumer consulting for people like me.

Index over persons mentioned again and again on the pages of PEGE.

Panorama Photos
Since the year 2000 experience with many panorama photos. I wrote 2004 a big compare test about different panorama software to create panorama pictures. Part 1

          Proverbs in modern interpreation: Not historical, but modern amusingly in connection with own experiences, the origin of many famouse proverbs is new interpreted.

Context description:  Roland Mösl founder