Maria Mösl junior

My doughter Maria is born September 10th 1998. Here pictures from her life with an out of the ordinary father.

Hellbrunn to test slow driving Hellbrunn to test slow driving
2 bicyles without air, no pump to find. So one child drives with me on the electric scooter, the other on the bicycle. Opportunity to test the consumption at 10 to 20 km/h.

Sledding Sledding
At last snow. Here I test immediately my electric scooter as a traction engine for the sledges. Video (6.8MB)

Old notebook as child toy Old notebook as child toy
When every 2 years is a new notebook purchased, after 2 years has the wife and after 4 years also the oldest child a notebook.

With the laptop and family in the garden With the laptop and family in the garden
Work is necessary, the question is only where and under what circumstances. A notebook makes it possible to accompany the rest of the family in the garde and to work there.

Maria Mösl junior caricature Maria Mösl junior caricature
So seriouse looks our doughter Maria (7) in the caricature. She knows exactly what is importang in life. With 2.5 years old, she answered when she should clean up:

Roland Mösl - founder of PEGE Roland Mösl - founder of PEGE
Roland Mösl - the founder of Planetary Engineering Group Earth dedicates his life for new concepts and inventions to lead humanity to the age of solar energy.

Awards and orders
Overview over all orders and awards, Roland Mösl has received.

More humans have to be informed, that there is a better life after peak oil. PEGE as the light tower towards the solar age.

Regardless what we want, what future visions we have, we depend as a consumer on the products produced by the industry. Consumer consulting for people like me.

Index over persons mentioned again and again on the pages of PEGE.

Proverbs in modern interpreation
Not historical, but modern amusingly in connection with own experiences, the origin of many famouse proverbs is new interpreted.

Panorama Photos
Since the year 2000 experience with many panorama photos. I wrote 2004 a big compare test about different panorama software to create panorama pictures. Part 1

          Maria Mösl junior: My doughter Maria is born September 10th 1998. Here pictures from her life with an out of the ordinary father.

Context description:  event events date time 20 century month 9 Sep Sept September summer autumn fall 1998-09-10 Maria Mösl Gartenau st.Leonhard Grödig Salzburg Austria Austrian
Roland founder