Austrian wins 55 millions at Euromillions

What does a simple human with 55 millions? I mean, say an amount of money and I will work out a plan, what to do best with it.

  Onw house with less than 1% of the win

First, I would built my plus energy house. I could do it without considering the ground prices so much. So I could built much closer to Salzburg city.

  Heat electric power combination

20 Millions participations at companies with photovoltaik and heat producion in one modul combined.

  No dream car available

There is now no dream car for me. The Tessla is a wonderful sports car, but not useable for a family. I would expend about 20 millions from the win for it. 20 millions? No, not for the car, for stock at car companies.

  Stock from new car producers

There would be a share at Loremo, after this a shopping tour to China. They develop there electric cars and plug-in hybrid cars. The european car companies are oversleeping the development., the oil price rises. When this cars will come to Europe, this stock of chinese car producers with electric propulsion will have dreamlike increase in price.

  Lithium - the next shortage

The last 14 millions in stock of lithium mines. After the shortage of silicone for photovoltaic, the next shortage.

Roland Mösl - founder of PEGE Roland Mösl - founder of PEGE
Roland Mösl - the founder of Planetary Engineering Group Earth dedicates his life for new concepts and inventions to lead humanity to the age of solar energy.

Awards and orders
Overview over all orders and awards, Roland Mösl has received.

More humans have to be informed, that there is a better life after peak oil. PEGE as the light tower towards the solar age.

Regardless what we want, what future visions we have, we depend as a consumer on the products produced by the industry. Consumer consulting for people like me.

Index over persons mentioned again and again on the pages of PEGE.

Proverbs in modern interpreation
Not historical, but modern amusingly in connection with own experiences, the origin of many famouse proverbs is new interpreted.

Panorama Photos
Since the year 2000 experience with many panorama photos. I wrote 2004 a big compare test about different panorama software to create panorama pictures. Part 1

  A surprising fast development

January 2007, some few interested people came together for a lecture about peak oil in Traunstein. Only one year later is peak oil history. We have to react faster!

What comes faster? $150 oil price or my 50th birthday
Today we have July 3rd 2008. July 9th is my birthday. Will the oil price jump before over $150? Will it be possible to wake up the politicians.

Punch and judy show stock exchange
The history of 2008: The oil price increases, a poseur cries ''recession'', the oil price decreases, the stock market cheers, the share prices increase, the oil price increases...

Consulting: the investor is lost
The difference between the pretended world of investment consulters and what happens in the real world. Explained with BYD as example.

Degeneration stock market
The original idea had been great: Many people finance awesome plans like the railway, telephon, electric light, a single one has not the chance to effort all the money.

          Austrian wins 55 millions at Euromillions: What does a simple human with 55 millions? I mean, say an amount of money and I will work out a plan, what to do best with it.

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