Back to the rootsI had 1993 2000 fresh printed books and a publisher who just went bancrupt. 2 years later, 90% of the books had been sold by me and supporters of PEGE.First, the publisher wanted to print only 500 books. 1993, this means phototypesetting, labor intensive preparing of the printing plates. Later what costs least of all, print 500 books. I proposed to the publisher to print 2000 books, he can have 1000 for the price of 500 and I sell the other 1000 by myself. The croatian hitchhiker, I took him from Berlin to Salzburg, found a cheap printing company in Zagreb. In several part deliveries, I got 2000 books, but my publisher went bancrupt in the mean time. So I had to organise, how to sell all the books by myself.
Some of the supporters of PEGE had become to successfull book sellers. I was myself at numerous events and fairs to sell my books.
Autumn 1996, at PEGE started a new epoch. The first battle in Altavista had been successfully completed. Only 2 years later, PEGE reached by search engines permanent over 20.000 visitors a month. Over 10 times more visitors a month, than I sold books in 2 years. So I set full on this new method.
In the mean time, PEGE increased from 20 thousand visitors a month to 100 thousand. But this is still not enough to distribute a clear image for out way in the future. So back to the roots, promote personally subscriptions for my newsletter. In a way like my first book had been sold. |