Selective awarness of mass mediaThe oil price crosses $90 per barrel and in Salzburg on the Mozart place is our future mobility without oil and CO2 emission shown. Headlines? Big media coverage? | ![]() | |
What is with the mass medias? I looked in all mass media in Salzburg and did not find anything about the sensation.
It's miserably about what unimportant things was written. But things important to all of us had been hushed up. The oil price increases first time over $90, commuters are desparate what remains after the fuel costs from their wage. August 2005, I demand the resignation of economy minster Bartenstein, as the oil price did not fall like prognosed by him to $35, but increased first time beyond $70. Now in short time from $70 to $90 are 13% more per year. And in this situation comes the Solon AG, builts up a solar refueling station and shows Vectrix maxi scooters. Mobility without CO2. Mobility without crude oil. The sensation for the local news. This is the cheerful message for all commuters being desperate at the refueling station. The liberation from oil dependency. But it does not match to the selective awareness and self censorship of our mass media. |